H. Upmann, established in 1844 by Herman Upmann, a German banker, is one of the oldest and most respected Habanos brands. Initially, Upmann was drawn to Havana for its vibrant tobacco industry, setting up both a bank and a cigar factory. Although his bank eventually closed, his cigar brand achieved remarkable success and continues to be celebrated globally.
The H. Upmann cigars are particularly noted for their medium to light strength, crafted from tobacco leaves sourced from the Vuelta Abajo region in Pinar del RÃo, known for producing some of the finest tobaccos in the world. The cigars are totally handmade with long filler, ensuring a rich, smooth smoking experience.
Over the years, the brand has been recognized with numerous gold medals at international exhibitions in the 19th century, a testament to its quality and craftsmanship. Notable cigars from H. Upmann include the Magnum series and the Sir Winston Gran Reserva. More recently, the brand has continued to innovate with releases like the H. Upmann Magnum 56 and the Propios Limited Edition, each maintaining the brand's reputation for elegance and complexity.
H. Upmann continues to appeal to both traditional aficionados and new smokers through its refined blends and commitment to quality, living up to its legacy as a premier Habanos brand.
Guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed. Non-arrival of orders will lead to a choice of reshipment or refund, excluding cases where customs seizures occur due to compliance failures or unpaid duties.
Shipping and Customs: Charges are applied at checkout and credit cards are charged upon shipment. You are responsible for all customs duties and taxes. A 20% restocking fee applies to orders returned by customs, or a flat $50 fee for orders under $250.
Cancellation and Returns: Orders can be cancelled before shipping. Returns are accepted for damaged items with photographic proof within 30 days of delivery. We do not accept returns based on taste or for partially used products. For non-delivery, claims must be made within 180 days of dispatch.
Fraud Prevention: We take measures to prevent fraud and will investigate suspicious orders or false claims, which may lead to legal action.
For any issues or inquiries, please contact returns@cohcigars.com or claims@cohcigars.com.
H. Upmann, established in 1844 by Herman Upmann, a German banker, is one of the oldest and most respected Habanos brands. Initially, Upmann was drawn to Havana for its vibrant tobacco industry, setting up both a bank and a cigar factory. Although his bank eventually closed, his cigar brand achieved remarkable success and continues to be celebrated globally.
The H. Upmann cigars are particularly noted for their medium to light strength, crafted from tobacco leaves sourced from the Vuelta Abajo region in Pinar del RÃo, known for producing some of the finest tobaccos in the world. The cigars are totally handmade with long filler, ensuring a rich, smooth smoking experience.
Over the years, the brand has been recognized with numerous gold medals at international exhibitions in the 19th century, a testament to its quality and craftsmanship. Notable cigars from H. Upmann include the Magnum series and the Sir Winston Gran Reserva. More recently, the brand has continued to innovate with releases like the H. Upmann Magnum 56 and the Propios Limited Edition, each maintaining the brand's reputation for elegance and complexity.
H. Upmann continues to appeal to both traditional aficionados and new smokers through its refined blends and commitment to quality, living up to its legacy as a premier Habanos brand.
Delivery and Returns Overview:
Guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed. Non-arrival of orders will lead to a choice of reshipment or refund, excluding cases where customs seizures occur due to compliance failures or unpaid duties.
Shipping and Customs: Charges are applied at checkout and credit cards are charged upon shipment. You are responsible for all customs duties and taxes. A 20% restocking fee applies to orders returned by customs, or a flat $50 fee for orders under $250.
Cancellation and Returns: Orders can be cancelled before shipping. Returns are accepted for damaged items with photographic proof within 30 days of delivery. We do not accept returns based on taste or for partially used products. For non-delivery, claims must be made within 180 days of dispatch.
Fraud Prevention: We take measures to prevent fraud and will investigate suspicious orders or false claims, which may lead to legal action.
For any issues or inquiries, please contact returns@cohcigars.com or claims@cohcigars.com.