Caldwell Cigar Company is a cigar brand founded by Robert Caldwell, a dynamic figure in the cigar industry known for his bold and unconventional approach to blending and cigar creation. The brand has gained recognition for its dedication to crafting cigars that push the boundaries of traditional flavor profiles and embrace a spirit of innovation.
Caldwell Cigar Company cigars are crafted using a blend of premium tobacco leaves sourced from various countries, including the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and other select tobacco-growing regions. The brand's commitment to using diverse and high-quality tobacco is evident in the complex and distinctive flavors that Caldwell cigars offer.
The flavor profile of Caldwell Cigar Company cigars is often characterized by a wide array of tasting notes that may include spices, cocoa, leather, coffee, and unique flavor infusions. These cigars typically provide a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, making them a favorite among aficionados who seek complexity and adventure in their cigars.
One of the standout features of Caldwell Cigar Company is its willingness to experiment with different tobacco combinations and flavor infusions, resulting in a range of cigars with unique and memorable taste profiles. The brand often collaborates with other renowned cigar makers, adding an element of excitement to its offerings.
Caldwell Cigar Company offers a diverse portfolio of cigar lines and sizes, each crafted with a focus on delivering a distinct and exciting smoking experience. Whether it's the Caldwell Long Live the King, Caldwell The T, or other lines within the brand, Caldwell cigars are known for their creativity and adventurous spirit.
Caldwell Cigar Company cigars are often presented in packaging that reflects the brand's innovative and artistic approach. The packaging may feature vibrant and unconventional designs that complement the cigars' reputation for pushing the boundaries of traditional cigar making.
In summary, Caldwell Cigar Company is a boutique cigar brand celebrated for its creativity, innovation, and the production of unique and flavorful cigars that cater to the adventurous and sophisticated palate. With a commitment to pushing the boundaries of flavor and blending, Caldwell Cigar Company continues to be a choice for those seeking cigars that stand out from the traditional and embrace bold and distinctive flavors.
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Blind Man's Bluff Maduro Robusto | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $195.04Special Price USD $164.00 Regular Price USD $206.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Eastern Standard Cream Crush | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $333.26Special Price USD $245.00 Regular Price USD $307.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Eastern Standard Euro Express | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $282.38Special Price USD $212.00 Regular Price USD $264.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Eastern Standard Manzanita | Box 27厂商建议零售价: USD $200.34Special Price USD $174.00 Regular Price USD $216.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Eastern Standard Sungrown Double Robusto | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $250.00Special Price USD $217.00 Regular Price USD $271.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Eastern Standard Sungrown Magnum | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $274.00Special Price USD $234.00 Regular Price USD $293.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Eastern Standard Sungrown Robusto | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $236.00Special Price USD $207.00 Regular Price USD $259.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Eastern Standard Sungrown Toro Extra | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $266.00Special Price USD $229.00 Regular Price USD $286.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Long Live The King Belicoso | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $335.76Special Price USD $231.00 Regular Price USD $289.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Long Live The King Maduro Belicoso | Box 10Special Price USD $144.00 Regular Price USD $180.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Long Live The King Maduro Corona | Box 10Special Price USD $132.00 Regular Price USD $165.00
限时优惠考德威尔 (Caldwell)Caldwell | Long Live The King Maduro Magnum | Box 10厂商建议零售价: USD $147.30Special Price USD $147.00 Regular Price USD $183.00