Isla del Sol is a cigar brand that stands out for its innovative approach to flavor infusion. These cigars are crafted using a blend of Nicaraguan tobacco leaves, which are carefully infused with premium coffee flavors. This infusion process imparts a distinctive coffee essence to the cigars, creating a unique and enjoyable smoking experience.
The flavor profile of Isla del Sol cigars is characterized by the rich and aromatic notes of coffee, cocoa, and a mild sweetness. These cigars typically offer a medium-bodied smoking experience, making them appealing to those who appreciate the combination of coffee and tobacco flavors.
One of the standout features of Isla del Sol cigars is their approachable and accessible nature. These cigars are designed to provide a flavorful and enjoyable smoke without being overly intense. They are often favored by smokers who appreciate a touch of sweetness and a pleasant coffee aroma in their cigars.
Isla del Sol offers a variety of cigar sizes and vitolas, allowing smokers to choose options that suit their preferences. Whether it's the Isla del Sol Robusto, Isla del Sol Gran Corona, or other lines within the brand, Isla del Sol cigars are known for their unique flavor infusion and approachability.
Isla del Sol cigars are often presented in packaging that reflects the brand's coffee-infused theme. The packaging may feature designs that evoke the imagery of a tropical island or coffee beans, reinforcing the unique flavor experience of the cigars.
In summary, Isla del Sol is a cigar brand celebrated for its innovative coffee-infused cigars that provide a unique and enjoyable smoking experience. With a focus on approachability and flavor, Isla del Sol continues to be a choice for those seeking a cigar with a coffee twist and a mild to medium-bodied profile.
限时优惠太阳岛 (Isla Del Sol)Isla Del Sol | Gordito | Box 16厂商建议零售价: USD $112.00Special Price USD $90.00 Regular Price USD $129.00
限时优惠太阳岛 (Isla Del Sol)Isla Del Sol | Gran Corona | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $105.00Special Price USD $89.00 Regular Price USD $127.00
限时优惠太阳岛 (Isla Del Sol)Isla Del Sol | Maduro Churchill | Box 10Special Price USD $76.00 Regular Price USD $109.00
限时优惠太阳岛 (Isla Del Sol)Isla Del Sol | Maduro Gran Corona | Box 10厂商建议零售价: USD $105.00Special Price USD $72.00 Regular Price USD $103.00
限时优惠太阳岛 (Isla Del Sol)Isla Del Sol | Maduro Robusto | Box 10Special Price USD $73.00 Regular Price USD $105.00
限时优惠太阳岛 (Isla Del Sol)Isla Del Sol | Maduro Toro | Box 10Special Price USD $75.00 Regular Price USD $107.00
限时优惠太阳岛 (Isla Del Sol)Isla Del Sol | Robusto | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $115.00Special Price USD $92.00 Regular Price USD $131.00
限时优惠太阳岛 (Isla Del Sol)Isla Del Sol | Toro | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $120.00Special Price USD $94.00 Regular Price USD $134.00