HVC is a cigar brand that pays homage to Havana, Cuba, and its rich cigar tradition. Founded by Reinier Lorenzo in 2011, HVC focuses on crafting cigars that reflect the classic Cuban cigar profile with a modern twist. The brand's cigars are made in Nicaragua, which is renowned for its exceptional tobacco.
HVC cigars are crafted using a blend of high-quality tobacco leaves sourced primarily from Nicaragua. The brand selects tobacco varietals and blends that capture the essence of Cuban cigar flavors while adding unique characteristics that make HVC cigars stand out.
The flavor profile of HVC cigars often includes notes such as spices, cedar, earthiness, nuts, coffee, and a natural sweetness. These cigars typically offer a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, making them a favorite among aficionados who appreciate depth and complexity in their cigars.
One of the standout features of HVC cigars is their meticulous construction and attention to detail. Each cigar is expertly handcrafted to ensure an impeccable draw, even burn, and an overall enjoyable smoking experience. The brand's commitment to quality is evident in the consistency of its cigars.
HVC offers a diverse portfolio of cigar lines and sizes, allowing smokers to explore different expressions of the brand's blend. Whether it's the HVC Serie A, HVC Cerro, or other lines within the brand, HVC cigars are known for their quality and craftsmanship.
HVC cigars are often presented in packaging that reflects the brand's dedication to Cuban heritage and quality. The packaging may feature classic and elegant designs that pay homage to the tradition of Cuban cigars.
In summary, HVC is a boutique cigar brand celebrated for its commitment to quality, craftsmanship, and the production of premium cigars that capture the essence of Cuban tobacco flavors with a modern twist. With a diverse range of cigars that cater to different tastes, HVC continues to be a respected choice for those seeking a memorable and sophisticated cigar experience.
限时优惠HVCHVC | 500 Years Anniversary Salomones | Box 15厂商建议零售价: USD $246.00Special Price USD $182.00 Regular Price USD $246.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | 500 Years Anniversary Selectos | Box 15厂商建议零售价: USD $204.00Special Price USD $151.00 Regular Price USD $204.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | 500 Years Anniversary Tesoros | Box 15厂商建议零售价: USD $221.00Special Price USD $163.00 Regular Price USD $221.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Black Friday Limited Edition 2022 Robustos Extras | Box 50厂商建议零售价: USD $466.00Special Price USD $345.00 Regular Price USD $466.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Cerro Maduro Robusto Gordo | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $263.00Special Price USD $195.00 Regular Price USD $263.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Cerro Maduro Robustos | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $224.00Special Price USD $165.00 Regular Price USD $224.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Cerro Maduro Sabrositos | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $204.00Special Price USD $151.00 Regular Price USD $204.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Cerro Robusto Gordo | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $257.00Special Price USD $190.00 Regular Price USD $257.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Cerro Robustos | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $218.00Special Price USD $161.00 Regular Price USD $218.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Cerro Sabrositos | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $204.00Special Price USD $151.00 Regular Price USD $204.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Edicion Especial 2015 Corona | Box 50厂商建议零售价: USD $422.00Special Price USD $312.00 Regular Price USD $422.00
限时优惠HVCHVC | Edicion Especial 2015 Toro Gordo | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $257.00Special Price USD $190.00 Regular Price USD $257.00