L'Atelier is a cigar brand created by Pete Johnson, the founder of Tatuaje Cigars, another well-respected name in the cigar industry. L'Atelier represents Johnson's desire to experiment with different tobacco blends and create cigars that offer distinctive and memorable smoking experiences.
L'Atelier cigars are crafted using a blend of high-quality tobacco leaves sourced from various tobacco regions, including Nicaragua. The brand places a strong emphasis on the selection of tobacco to ensure that each cigar offers a unique flavor profile that sets it apart.
The flavor profile of L'Atelier cigars is often characterized by complexity and depth, with notes that may include spices, leather, cedar, coffee, cocoa, and a range of other flavors. These cigars typically offer a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, making them a favorite among aficionados who appreciate a bold and flavorful cigar.
One of the standout features of L'Atelier cigars is their innovative approach to blending and crafting cigars. The brand often experiments with different tobacco varietals and aging processes to create cigars that push the boundaries of traditional flavor profiles.
L'Atelier offers a diverse portfolio of cigar lines and sizes, allowing smokers to explore different expressions of the L'Atelier blend. Whether it's the L'Atelier Selection Speciale, L'Atelier Surrogates, or other lines within the brand, L'Atelier cigars are known for their quality and the unique character they bring to the table.
L'Atelier cigars are often presented in packaging that reflects the brand's commitment to innovation and creativity. The packaging may feature modern and artistic designs that complement the cigars' unique and bold character.
In summary, L'Atelier is a cigar brand known for its dedication to craftsmanship and innovation in blending and crafting premium cigars. With a diverse range of cigars that cater to different tastes and a focus on pushing the boundaries of flavor profiles, L'Atelier continues to be a respected choice for those seeking a memorable and distinctive cigar experience.
限时优惠拉特里尔 (LAtelier)LAtelier | La Mission 1959 | Box 18厂商建议零售价: USD $162.00Special Price USD $123.00 Regular Price USD $163.00
限时优惠拉特里尔 (LAtelier)LAtelier | La Mission 1989 | Box 18厂商建议零售价: USD $180.00Special Price USD $132.00 Regular Price USD $176.00
限时优惠拉特里尔 (LAtelier)LAtelier | La Mission 2009 | Box 18厂商建议零售价: USD $198.00Special Price USD $141.00 Regular Price USD $189.00