
CAO is a cigar brand that has made a significant impact in the cigar industry by taking an innovative and adventurous approach to blending and flavor infusion. Founded by Cano A. Ozgener in the mid-1990s, the brand has consistently pushed the boundaries of traditional cigar-making. 

CAO cigars are crafted using a blend of premium tobacco leaves sourced from various countries, including Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and other select tobacco-growing regions. What sets CAO apart is its willingness to experiment with different tobaccos and infusions, resulting in a wide range of unique and complex flavor profiles. 

The flavor profile of CAO cigars can vary significantly across different lines and blends, offering a diverse array of tasting notes such as spices, cocoa, coffee, fruit, nuts, and exotic flavor infusions. CAO cigars come in a range of strengths, from mellow to full-bodied, appealing to a wide spectrum of cigar enthusiasts. 

One of the standout features of CAO cigars is their commitment to creativity and innovation. The brand is known for its inventive approach to blending, which often includes the incorporation of unique tobacco leaves and flavor infusions, creating a memorable and adventurous smoking experience. 

CAO offers a diverse portfolio of cigar lines and sizes, each showcasing its own distinct flavor profile and character. Whether it's the CAO Brazilia, CAO Flavours, CAO Nicaragua, or other lines within the brand, CAO cigars are known for their diversity and willingness to explore new flavor horizons. 

CAO cigars are often presented in packaging that reflects the brand's creativity and innovation. The packaging may feature bold and colorful designs that complement the cigars' reputation for adventurous flavors. 

In summary, CAO is a cigar brand celebrated for its creativity, innovation, and willingness to explore a wide range of flavor profiles and infusions. With a diverse array of cigars, CAO continues to be a choice for those seeking unique and adventurous cigar experiences. 




