The Ozgener family, led by Cano A. Ozgener, is recognized for their significant role in the cigar industry, particularly through the creation of the C.A.O. (C.A. Ozgener) cigar brand. Cano Ozgener, a passionate cigar enthusiast and entrepreneur, founded C.A.O. in the early 1990s, aiming to introduce innovative and unique cigars to the market.
C.A.O. cigars are meticulously crafted using a blend of premium tobacco leaves sourced from various countries, including Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. The brand's commitment to using high-quality tobacco is evident in the diverse and flavorful profile of C.A.O. cigars.
The flavor profile of C.A.O. cigars is known for its complexity, featuring a wide range of tasting notes that may include spices, cocoa, coffee, and fruitiness, among others. These cigars typically provide a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, making them appealing to aficionados who appreciate diversity and craftsmanship in their cigars.
One of the standout features of C.A.O. and the Ozgener family's contribution to the cigar industry is their willingness to push the boundaries of traditional cigar blending and presentation. C.A.O. has introduced numerous innovative cigar lines, including the C.A.O. Flathead series, C.A.O. Amazon Basin, and more, each offering unique experiences to cigar enthusiasts.
Cano A. Ozgener's legacy and passion for cigars have left a lasting impact on the industry, with C.A.O. cigars consistently receiving high ratings and recognition for their creativity and excellence.
C.A.O. cigars are often presented in packaging that reflects the brand's commitment to innovation and craftsmanship. The packaging may feature distinct and creative designs that complement the cigars' reputation for delivering unique and memorable cigar-smoking experiences.
In summary, the Ozgener family, led by Cano A. Ozgener, has made a significant mark in the cigar industry through the creation of the C.A.O. cigar brand. Their commitment to innovation, high-quality tobacco, and memorable smoking experiences has made C.A.O. a respected and influential name in the world of premium cigars.
限时优惠奥兹格纳 (Ozgener)Ozgener | Aramas A52 | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $255.00Special Price USD $151.00 Regular Price USD $215.00
限时优惠奥兹格纳 (Ozgener)Ozgener | Aramas A60 | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $315.00Special Price USD $181.00 Regular Price USD $259.00
限时优惠奥兹格纳 (Ozgener)Ozgener | Aramas A55 | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $275.00Special Price USD $165.00 Regular Price USD $235.00
限时优惠奥兹格纳 (Ozgener)Ozgener | Aramas A54 | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $300.00Special Price USD $176.00 Regular Price USD $251.00
限时优惠奥兹格纳 (Ozgener)Ozgener | Bosphorus B55 | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $270.00Special Price USD $160.00 Regular Price USD $228.00
限时优惠奥兹格纳 (Ozgener)Ozgener | Bosphorus B54 | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $285.00Special Price USD $162.00 Regular Price USD $232.00
限时优惠奥兹格纳 (Ozgener)Ozgener | Bosphorus B52 | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $255.00Special Price USD $155.00 Regular Price USD $222.00
限时优惠奥兹格纳 (Ozgener)Ozgener | Bosphorus B50 | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $240.00Special Price USD $148.00 Regular Price USD $212.00