Oliva Cigar Company, often referred to simply as Oliva, is a family-owned cigar manufacturer with a history that dates back to 1886. The brand's origins can be traced to Cuba, but it later expanded to Nicaragua, where it has become a prominent player in the cigar industry.
Oliva cigars are crafted using a blend of high-quality tobacco leaves, primarily sourced from the fertile regions of Nicaragua. The brand is known for its dedication to selecting the finest tobacco leaves, resulting in cigars that offer a diverse range of flavor profiles and strengths, catering to different palates.
The flavor profile of Oliva cigars often includes notes of spices, cedar, coffee, cocoa, and a natural sweetness. These cigars are celebrated for their well-balanced and complex flavors, making them suitable for both novice smokers and experienced aficionados who appreciate depth and nuance in their cigars.
One of the hallmark features of Oliva cigars is their outstanding construction. Each cigar is expertly handcrafted to ensure an effortless draw, even burn, and an overall enjoyable smoking experience. Oliva's commitment to quality and consistency is reflected in the reputation it has built over the years.
Oliva offers a wide range of cigars, encompassing various lines and sizes, allowing smokers to explore different expressions of the Oliva blend. Whether it's the Oliva Serie V, Oliva Serie G, or other lines within the brand, Oliva cigars are known for their excellence and craftsmanship.
Oliva cigars are often presented in classic and elegant packaging, reflecting the brand's commitment to quality and tradition. The packaging typically features the Oliva name, branding, and sometimes a distinctive red and black band.
In summary, Oliva is a cigar brand with a rich history and a commitment to producing premium cigars that are celebrated for their quality, complexity, and balanced flavor profiles. With a diverse range of cigars that cater to different tastes, Oliva continues to be a respected choice for those seeking a memorable and satisfying cigar experience.
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Master Blends 3 Churchill | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $326.00Special Price USD $178.00 Regular Price USD $297.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Cain Daytona Limitada | Box 10厂商建议零售价: USD $178.08Special Price USD $123.00 Regular Price USD $140.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Cain F 550 | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $210.00Special Price USD $124.00 Regular Price USD $146.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Cain F 660 | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $283.92Special Price USD $145.00 Regular Price USD $166.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Nub 358 Cameroon | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $186.00Special Price USD $132.00 Regular Price USD $155.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Nub 358 Connecticut | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $216.00Special Price USD $149.00 Regular Price USD $175.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Nub 358 Sun Grown | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $216.00Special Price USD $169.00 Regular Price USD $199.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Nub 460 Cameroon Tubos | Box 12Special Price USD $126.00 Regular Price USD $148.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Nub 460 Connecticut Tubos | Box 12厂商建议零售价: USD $132.00Special Price USD $105.00 Regular Price USD $123.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Nub 460 Maduro | Box 24厂商建议零售价: USD $247.92Special Price USD $153.00 Regular Price USD $174.00
限时优惠奥利瓦 (Oliva)Oliva | Nub 460 Maduro Tubos | Box 12厂商建议零售价: USD $142.00Special Price USD $108.00 Regular Price USD $127.00