Foundation Cigars is a cigar brand founded by Nicholas Melillo, a respected figure in the cigar industry with a deep passion for tobacco. The brand is dedicated to producing cigars that reflect the heritage and artistry of cigar making, embracing both tradition and innovation.
Foundation Cigars are crafted using a blend of premium tobacco leaves sourced from various countries, including Nicaragua and Honduras. The brand's commitment to using high-quality tobacco is evident in the rich and complex flavors that Foundation Cigars offer.
The flavor profile of Foundation Cigars often includes a well-balanced combination of tasting notes such as cedar, spices, cocoa, coffee, nuts, and a hint of sweetness. These cigars typically provide a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, making them a favorite among aficionados who appreciate depth and complexity in their cigars.
One of the standout features of Foundation Cigars is their dedication to tradition and craftsmanship. Each cigar is expertly handcrafted to ensure an impeccable draw, even burn, and an overall enjoyable smoking experience. The brand's reputation for quality and consistency is highly regarded.
Foundation Cigars offers a diverse portfolio of cigar lines and sizes, each with its own distinct flavor profile and character. Whether it's the Foundation El Gueguense, Foundation Tabernacle, or other lines within the brand, Foundation Cigars are known for their quality and artistry.
Foundation Cigars are often presented in packaging that reflects the brand's connection to tradition and heritage. The packaging may feature classic and artistic designs that complement the cigars' reputation for excellence.
In summary, Foundation Cigars is a cigar brand celebrated for its commitment to tradition, craftsmanship, and the production of premium cigars that pay homage to the rich history of tobacco cultivation and cigar making. With a focus on creating memorable smoking experiences, Foundation Cigars continues to be a respected choice for those seeking well-crafted and flavorful cigars.
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | Highclere Castle Churchill | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $340.00Special Price USD $293.00 Regular Price USD $345.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | Highclere Castle Corona | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $278.00Special Price USD $242.00 Regular Price USD $285.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | Highclere Castle Victorian Corona | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $278.00Special Price USD $242.00 Regular Price USD $285.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | Highclere Castle Victorian Petite Corona | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $258.00Special Price USD $225.00 Regular Price USD $265.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | Highclere Castle Victorian Robusto | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $290.00Special Price USD $259.00 Regular Price USD $305.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | The Upsetters Django | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $191.00Special Price USD $175.00 Regular Price USD $206.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | The Upsetters Original Rude Boy | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $271.00Special Price USD $243.00 Regular Price USD $286.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | The Upsetters Para El Sapo | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $151.00Special Price USD $141.00 Regular Price USD $166.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | The Upsetters Rock Steady | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $241.00Special Price USD $218.00 Regular Price USD $256.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | The Upsetters Small Axe | Box 30厂商建议零售价: USD $162.50Special Price USD $150.00 Regular Price USD $177.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | The Upsetters The Skipper | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $158.00Special Price USD $141.00 Regular Price USD $166.00
限时优惠基础雪茄 (Foundation Cigars)Foundation Cigars | The Upsetters Zola | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $210.00Special Price USD $175.00 Regular Price USD $206.00