Flor de Selva is a cigar brand founded by Maya Selva, a woman who played a pioneering role in the cigar industry, particularly as a female cigar maker. The brand is deeply connected to Honduras, where it has cultivated a reputation for crafting cigars that combine elegance and quality.
Flor de Selva cigars are meticulously crafted using a blend of premium tobacco leaves sourced primarily from Honduras. The brand's commitment to using high-quality, locally grown tobacco is evident in the refined and well-balanced flavors that Flor de Selva cigars offer.
The flavor profile of Flor de Selva cigars often includes notes of cedar, spices, nuts, earthiness, and a subtle sweetness. These cigars typically provide a medium to full-bodied smoking experience, making them a favorite among aficionados who appreciate complexity and sophistication in their cigars.
One of the standout features of Flor de Selva is its dedication to craftsmanship and attention to detail. Each cigar is expertly handcrafted to ensure an impeccable draw, even burn, and an overall enjoyable smoking experience. The brand's commitment to consistency and excellence has made it a respected name in the cigar industry.
Flor de Selva offers a range of cigar lines and sizes, each crafted with precision and a focus on delivering a memorable and elegant smoking experience. Whether it's the Flor de Selva No. 15, Flor de Selva Maduro, or other lines within the brand, Flor de Selva cigars are known for their quality and Honduran heritage.
Flor de Selva cigars are often presented in packaging that reflects the brand's commitment to elegance and refinement. The packaging may feature classic and stylish designs that complement the cigars' reputation for delivering a sophisticated and enjoyable cigar-smoking experience.
In summary, Flor de Selva is a boutique cigar brand celebrated for its elegance, craftsmanship, and the production of premium cigars that reflect the Honduran cigar-making tradition. With a focus on quality and a connection to Honduras, Flor de Selva continues to be a respected choice for those seeking well-crafted and refined cigars.
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | 20 Egoista | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $180.00Special Price USD $149.00 Regular Price USD $204.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | 20 Robusto Maduro | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $290.00Special Price USD $173.00 Regular Price USD $240.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | 20 Tempo Maduro | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $356.00Special Price USD $200.00 Regular Price USD $280.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | Churchills | Box 16厂商建议零售价: USD $176.80Special Price USD $172.00 Regular Price USD $238.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | Churchills | Box 25厂商建议零售价: USD $276.25Special Price USD $240.00 Regular Price USD $340.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | Doble Corona | Box 25Special Price USD $257.00 Regular Price USD $365.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | Extremo | Box 10厂商建议零售价: USD $255.00Special Price USD $189.00 Regular Price USD $264.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | Grand Presses | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $312.00Special Price USD $189.00 Regular Price USD $264.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | Petit Coronas | Box 25厂商建议零售价: USD $290.00Special Price USD $193.00 Regular Price USD $270.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | Robusto | Box 25厂商建议零售价: USD $230.00Special Price USD $190.00 Regular Price USD $265.00
限时优惠塞尔瓦之花 (Flor de Selva)Flor de Selva | Tempos | Box 20厂商建议零售价: USD $336.00Special Price USD $203.00 Regular Price USD $284.00