尼卡 鲁斯提卡 (Nica Rustica)

Nica Rustica is a cigar line created by Drew Estate, a renowned cigar company celebrated for its innovative approach to cigar blending and craftsmanship. Nica Rustica is designed to pay homage to the traditional and rustic style of cigar-making, which was common in Nicaragua during earlier times. 

Nica Rustica cigars are crafted using a blend of high-quality tobacco leaves, predominantly sourced from Nicaragua. The tobacco used in Nica Rustica cigars is selected for its robust flavor and character, resulting in a bold and unapologetic smoking experience. 

The flavor profile of Nica Rustica cigars is characterized by earthy, woody, and spicy notes, along with hints of dark chocolate and coffee. These cigars are known for their full-bodied strength, making them a favorite among aficionados who appreciate cigars with a hearty and intense flavor. 

One of the distinctive features of Nica Rustica cigars is their rugged appearance. The cigars often have a rustic look with an unfinished, rough-hewn tobacco wrapper, which adds to their charm and character. 

Nica Rustica cigars are presented in packaging that reflects the brand's rugged and traditional ethos, often featuring dark and earthy designs that evoke the spirit of Nicaragua's cigar-making heritage. 

In summary, Nica Rustica is a cigar line created by Drew Estate that embraces a rustic and bold character. With a focus on delivering a robust and intense smoking experience, Nica Rustica cigars are a choice for those seeking a cigar that harkens back to the traditional style of cigar-making in Nicaragua. 




尼卡 鲁斯提卡 (Nica Rustica)
尼卡 鲁斯提卡 (Nica Rustica) 子品牌

