Tatuaje, a standout name in the world of cigars, represents the creative vision and passion of its founder, Pete Johnson. Established in the early 2000s, Tatuaje has gained a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts for its commitment to producing premium, handcrafted cigars that exemplify the artistry of the cigar-making process.
One of the key features that sets Tatuaje apart is its use of high-quality tobaccos from various regions, including Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. These carefully selected tobaccos are blended to create cigars with rich, complex flavor profiles that cater to a diverse range of palates.
Tatuaje cigars are often characterized by their full-bodied strength and bold flavors, offering a sensory journey that includes notes of spice, leather, earth, and coffee. The brand's cigars are known for their depth and complexity, making them a favorite among aficionados who appreciate a robust and memorable smoking experience.
The Tatuaje portfolio includes a wide range of cigar lines and sizes, each with its own unique blend and flavor profile. Whether it's the Tatuaje Havana VI, Tatuaje Black Label, or other lines within the brand, Tatuaje cigars are crafted with precision and consistency, reflecting the brand's commitment to excellence.
Tatuaje's packaging often features creative and distinctive artwork and designs, adding to the overall allure of the cigars. The brand has also collaborated with other notable cigar makers and artists on limited-edition releases, further enhancing its reputation for innovation and creativity.
In conclusion, Tatuaje is a boutique cigar brand that has earned a stellar reputation for its dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and flavor diversity. With a portfolio of cigars that cater to a wide range of preferences and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Tatuaje continues to be a sought-after choice among cigar connoisseurs looking for memorable and bold smoking experiences.
Guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed. Non-arrival of orders will lead to a choice of reshipment or refund, excluding cases where customs seizures occur due to compliance failures or unpaid duties.
Shipping and Customs: Charges are applied at checkout and credit cards are charged upon shipment. You are responsible for all customs duties and taxes. A 20% restocking fee applies to orders returned by customs, or a flat $50 fee for orders under $250.
Cancellation and Returns: Orders can be cancelled before shipping. Returns are accepted for damaged items with photographic proof within 30 days of delivery. We do not accept returns based on taste or for partially used products. For non-delivery, claims must be made within 180 days of dispatch.
Fraud Prevention: We take measures to prevent fraud and will investigate suspicious orders or false claims, which may lead to legal action.
For any issues or inquiries, please contact returns@cohcigars.com or claims@cohcigars.com.
Tatuaje, a standout name in the world of cigars, represents the creative vision and passion of its founder, Pete Johnson. Established in the early 2000s, Tatuaje has gained a loyal following among cigar enthusiasts for its commitment to producing premium, handcrafted cigars that exemplify the artistry of the cigar-making process.
One of the key features that sets Tatuaje apart is its use of high-quality tobaccos from various regions, including Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. These carefully selected tobaccos are blended to create cigars with rich, complex flavor profiles that cater to a diverse range of palates.
Tatuaje cigars are often characterized by their full-bodied strength and bold flavors, offering a sensory journey that includes notes of spice, leather, earth, and coffee. The brand's cigars are known for their depth and complexity, making them a favorite among aficionados who appreciate a robust and memorable smoking experience.
The Tatuaje portfolio includes a wide range of cigar lines and sizes, each with its own unique blend and flavor profile. Whether it's the Tatuaje Havana VI, Tatuaje Black Label, or other lines within the brand, Tatuaje cigars are crafted with precision and consistency, reflecting the brand's commitment to excellence.
Tatuaje's packaging often features creative and distinctive artwork and designs, adding to the overall allure of the cigars. The brand has also collaborated with other notable cigar makers and artists on limited-edition releases, further enhancing its reputation for innovation and creativity.
In conclusion, Tatuaje is a boutique cigar brand that has earned a stellar reputation for its dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and flavor diversity. With a portfolio of cigars that cater to a wide range of preferences and an unwavering commitment to excellence, Tatuaje continues to be a sought-after choice among cigar connoisseurs looking for memorable and bold smoking experiences.
Delivery and Returns Overview:
Guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed. Non-arrival of orders will lead to a choice of reshipment or refund, excluding cases where customs seizures occur due to compliance failures or unpaid duties.
Shipping and Customs: Charges are applied at checkout and credit cards are charged upon shipment. You are responsible for all customs duties and taxes. A 20% restocking fee applies to orders returned by customs, or a flat $50 fee for orders under $250.
Cancellation and Returns: Orders can be cancelled before shipping. Returns are accepted for damaged items with photographic proof within 30 days of delivery. We do not accept returns based on taste or for partially used products. For non-delivery, claims must be made within 180 days of dispatch.
Fraud Prevention: We take measures to prevent fraud and will investigate suspicious orders or false claims, which may lead to legal action.
For any issues or inquiries, please contact returns@cohcigars.com or claims@cohcigars.com.