Vegafina, a distinguished name in the cigar industry, represents a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. Established in the 1990s, this brand has quickly risen to prominence, thanks to its commitment to delivering high-quality cigars that cater to a wide range of tastes.
Vegafina cigars are crafted using carefully selected tobaccos from various regions, with an emphasis on Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. This blend of tobaccos allows Vegafina to offer a diverse portfolio of cigars that span the spectrum from mild to medium and medium to full-bodied, accommodating the preferences of both novice and seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
The brand's cigars are often characterized by their smooth and refined smoking experiences, showcasing a balance of flavors that can include notes of cedar, spices, nuts, and a subtle sweetness. Vegafina's commitment to consistency ensures that each cigar maintains the quality and flavor profile that aficionados have come to expect.
Vegafina cigars are available in various lines and sizes, allowing smokers to explore a wide array of options. Whether it's the Vegafina Classic, Vegafina 1998, or other lines within the brand, Vegafina's dedication to craftsmanship and flavor diversity shines through.
The packaging of Vegafina cigars often reflects elegance and simplicity, with wooden boxes and clean, classic cigar bands that underscore the brand's commitment to quality over flashy presentation.
In summary, Vegafina is a cigar brand that bridges tradition and modernity, offering aficionados a versatile selection of premium cigars that cater to different tastes and preferences. With a focus on consistency and quality, Vegafina has earned its reputation as a brand that consistently delivers satisfying smoking experiences and remains a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed. Non-arrival of orders will lead to a choice of reshipment or refund, excluding cases where customs seizures occur due to compliance failures or unpaid duties.
Shipping and Customs: Charges are applied at checkout and credit cards are charged upon shipment. You are responsible for all customs duties and taxes. A 20% restocking fee applies to orders returned by customs, or a flat $50 fee for orders under $250.
Cancellation and Returns: Orders can be cancelled before shipping. Returns are accepted for damaged items with photographic proof within 30 days of delivery. We do not accept returns based on taste or for partially used products. For non-delivery, claims must be made within 180 days of dispatch.
Fraud Prevention: We take measures to prevent fraud and will investigate suspicious orders or false claims, which may lead to legal action.
For any issues or inquiries, please contact or
Vegafina, a distinguished name in the cigar industry, represents a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. Established in the 1990s, this brand has quickly risen to prominence, thanks to its commitment to delivering high-quality cigars that cater to a wide range of tastes.
Vegafina cigars are crafted using carefully selected tobaccos from various regions, with an emphasis on Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. This blend of tobaccos allows Vegafina to offer a diverse portfolio of cigars that span the spectrum from mild to medium and medium to full-bodied, accommodating the preferences of both novice and seasoned cigar enthusiasts.
The brand's cigars are often characterized by their smooth and refined smoking experiences, showcasing a balance of flavors that can include notes of cedar, spices, nuts, and a subtle sweetness. Vegafina's commitment to consistency ensures that each cigar maintains the quality and flavor profile that aficionados have come to expect.
Vegafina cigars are available in various lines and sizes, allowing smokers to explore a wide array of options. Whether it's the Vegafina Classic, Vegafina 1998, or other lines within the brand, Vegafina's dedication to craftsmanship and flavor diversity shines through.
The packaging of Vegafina cigars often reflects elegance and simplicity, with wooden boxes and clean, classic cigar bands that underscore the brand's commitment to quality over flashy presentation.
In summary, Vegafina is a cigar brand that bridges tradition and modernity, offering aficionados a versatile selection of premium cigars that cater to different tastes and preferences. With a focus on consistency and quality, Vegafina has earned its reputation as a brand that consistently delivers satisfying smoking experiences and remains a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Delivery and Returns Overview:
Guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed. Non-arrival of orders will lead to a choice of reshipment or refund, excluding cases where customs seizures occur due to compliance failures or unpaid duties.
Shipping and Customs: Charges are applied at checkout and credit cards are charged upon shipment. You are responsible for all customs duties and taxes. A 20% restocking fee applies to orders returned by customs, or a flat $50 fee for orders under $250.
Cancellation and Returns: Orders can be cancelled before shipping. Returns are accepted for damaged items with photographic proof within 30 days of delivery. We do not accept returns based on taste or for partially used products. For non-delivery, claims must be made within 180 days of dispatch.
Fraud Prevention: We take measures to prevent fraud and will investigate suspicious orders or false claims, which may lead to legal action.
For any issues or inquiries, please contact or