Troya | Tubos | Box 15

USD $95.00
长度: 5
直径: 42
口味: Cedar, Earth, Spice
维托拉: Petit Corona
包装纸: Cuban
雪茄夹: Cuban
品享时长: 45
95 Reward Points will be used to purchase this product
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特洛伊 鋁管裝

Troya Tubos Box 15 是一款優質的雪茄,為您帶來獨特而豐富的吸煙體驗。每一支雪茄都經過精心的手工製作,展現了 Troya 的卓越工藝和專業知識。

Troya Tubos Box 15 的尺寸適合喜歡中等至全尺寸的愛好者,提供了舒適的握感和平衡的味道。

Troya Tubos Box 15 使用來自多個國家的優質煙草混合而成,包括尼加拉瓜、多明尼加和厄瓜多爾等地的煙草。這種精選的混合物經過精心的陳化過程,呈現出豐富的風味輪廓,包括木質、咖啡、巧克力和香料的味道。每支雪茄都採用高品質的包裝紙,確保保持新鮮和保存完好。

點燃 Troya Tubos Box 15,吸煙者將感受到順暢的吸氣和逐漸展開的風味。它的結構均勻,燃燒穩定,提供持久且一致的吸煙體驗。

每盒 Troya Tubos Box 15 包含15支雪茄,讓您可以享受這款優質混合物的多次吸煙體驗,或與其他雪茄愛好者分享。憑藉其精湛的工藝和引人入勝的風味,Troya Tubos Box 15 是一款保證帶給您卓越和愉悅吸煙旅程的選擇。


特洛亞(Troya)是雪茄世界中尊貴的名字,擁有一種充滿傳統和工藝的遺產。 Troya雪茄成立於19世紀,經受了時間的考驗,並繼續受到雪茄鑑賞家的永恆吸引力。

該品牌的雪茄通常因使用高質量的菸葉而聞名,這些煙草精心挑選並陳化了完美。 Troya混合物通常具有來自各個地區的煙草的和諧組合,導致雪茄具有平衡且複雜的風味。


該品牌的投資組合包括各種尺寸和維多拉斯的選擇,使愛好者可以探索Troya的混合物的不同表達方式。無論是TroyaClásico,TroyaClásicoMaduro,還是品牌中的其他線條,Troya Cigars都以其一致性和工藝而聞名。


總之,Troya是一個具有悠久歷史的雪茄品牌,它跨越了世代,為狂熱者提供了傳統的工藝和質量的味道。 Troya憑藉各種雪茄的選擇,可以滿足各種口味,在高級雪茄的世界中仍然是一個受人尊敬的名字,吸引了那些欣賞經典雪茄混合物的持久魅力的人。


Troya, a venerable name in the world of cigars, boasts a heritage steeped in tradition and craftsmanship. Established in the 19th century, Troya cigars have stood the test of time and continue to be appreciated by cigar connoisseurs for their timeless appeal. The brand's cigars are often celebrated for their use of high-quality tobacco leaves, meticulously selected and aged to perfection. The Troya blend typically features a harmonious combination of tobaccos from various regions, resulting in cigars with a balanced and complex flavor profile. Troya cigars cater to a diverse range of smoking preferences, offering options that vary in strength and flavor. Aficionados may encounter notes of cedar, spices, earth, and a hint of sweetness in Troya cigars, making them a versatile choice for both novice and experienced smokers. The brand's portfolio includes a selection of sizes and vitolas, allowing enthusiasts to explore different expressions of Troya's blend. Whether it's the Troya Clásico, Troya Clásico Maduro, or other lines within the brand, Troya cigars are known for their consistency and craftsmanship. Troya cigars often come packaged in classic and elegant wooden boxes, reflecting the brand's timeless appeal and commitment to delivering a quality smoking experience without the need for flashy presentation. In conclusion, Troya is a cigar brand with a rich history that spans generations, offering aficionados a taste of traditional craftsmanship and quality. With a diverse selection of cigars that cater to a wide range of tastes, Troya continues to be a respected name in the world of premium cigars, appealing to those who appreciate the enduring allure of classic cigar blends.

Delivery and Returns Overview:

Guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed. Non-arrival of orders will lead to a choice of reshipment or refund, excluding cases where customs seizures occur due to compliance failures or unpaid duties.

Shipping and Customs: Charges are applied at checkout and credit cards are charged upon shipment. You are responsible for all customs duties and taxes. A 20% restocking fee applies to orders returned by customs, or a flat $50 fee for orders under $250.

Cancellation and Returns: Orders can be cancelled before shipping. Returns are accepted for damaged items with photographic proof within 30 days of delivery. We do not accept returns based on taste or for partially used products. For non-delivery, claims must be made within 180 days of dispatch.

Fraud Prevention: We take measures to prevent fraud and will investigate suspicious orders or false claims, which may lead to legal action.

For any issues or inquiries, please contact or

特洛伊 鋁管裝

Troya Tubos Box 15 是一款優質的雪茄,為您帶來獨特而豐富的吸煙體驗。每一支雪茄都經過精心的手工製作,展現了 Troya 的卓越工藝和專業知識。

Troya Tubos Box 15 的尺寸適合喜歡中等至全尺寸的愛好者,提供了舒適的握感和平衡的味道。

Troya Tubos Box 15 使用來自多個國家的優質煙草混合而成,包括尼加拉瓜、多明尼加和厄瓜多爾等地的煙草。這種精選的混合物經過精心的陳化過程,呈現出豐富的風味輪廓,包括木質、咖啡、巧克力和香料的味道。每支雪茄都採用高品質的包裝紙,確保保持新鮮和保存完好。

點燃 Troya Tubos Box 15,吸煙者將感受到順暢的吸氣和逐漸展開的風味。它的結構均勻,燃燒穩定,提供持久且一致的吸煙體驗。

每盒 Troya Tubos Box 15 包含15支雪茄,讓您可以享受這款優質混合物的多次吸煙體驗,或與其他雪茄愛好者分享。憑藉其精湛的工藝和引人入勝的風味,Troya Tubos Box 15 是一款保證帶給您卓越和愉悅吸煙旅程的選擇。


特洛亞(Troya)是雪茄世界中尊貴的名字,擁有一種充滿傳統和工藝的遺產。 Troya雪茄成立於19世紀,經受了時間的考驗,並繼續受到雪茄鑑賞家的永恆吸引力。

該品牌的雪茄通常因使用高質量的菸葉而聞名,這些煙草精心挑選並陳化了完美。 Troya混合物通常具有來自各個地區的煙草的和諧組合,導致雪茄具有平衡且複雜的風味。


該品牌的投資組合包括各種尺寸和維多拉斯的選擇,使愛好者可以探索Troya的混合物的不同表達方式。無論是TroyaClásico,TroyaClásicoMaduro,還是品牌中的其他線條,Troya Cigars都以其一致性和工藝而聞名。


總之,Troya是一個具有悠久歷史的雪茄品牌,它跨越了世代,為狂熱者提供了傳統的工藝和質量的味道。 Troya憑藉各種雪茄的選擇,可以滿足各種口味,在高級雪茄的世界中仍然是一個受人尊敬的名字,吸引了那些欣賞經典雪茄混合物的持久魅力的人。


Troya, a venerable name in the world of cigars, boasts a heritage steeped in tradition and craftsmanship. Established in the 19th century, Troya cigars have stood the test of time and continue to be appreciated by cigar connoisseurs for their timeless appeal. The brand's cigars are often celebrated for their use of high-quality tobacco leaves, meticulously selected and aged to perfection. The Troya blend typically features a harmonious combination of tobaccos from various regions, resulting in cigars with a balanced and complex flavor profile. Troya cigars cater to a diverse range of smoking preferences, offering options that vary in strength and flavor. Aficionados may encounter notes of cedar, spices, earth, and a hint of sweetness in Troya cigars, making them a versatile choice for both novice and experienced smokers. The brand's portfolio includes a selection of sizes and vitolas, allowing enthusiasts to explore different expressions of Troya's blend. Whether it's the Troya Clásico, Troya Clásico Maduro, or other lines within the brand, Troya cigars are known for their consistency and craftsmanship. Troya cigars often come packaged in classic and elegant wooden boxes, reflecting the brand's timeless appeal and commitment to delivering a quality smoking experience without the need for flashy presentation. In conclusion, Troya is a cigar brand with a rich history that spans generations, offering aficionados a taste of traditional craftsmanship and quality. With a diverse selection of cigars that cater to a wide range of tastes, Troya continues to be a respected name in the world of premium cigars, appealing to those who appreciate the enduring allure of classic cigar blends.

Delivery and Returns Overview:

Guarantee: Delivery is guaranteed. Non-arrival of orders will lead to a choice of reshipment or refund, excluding cases where customs seizures occur due to compliance failures or unpaid duties.

Shipping and Customs: Charges are applied at checkout and credit cards are charged upon shipment. You are responsible for all customs duties and taxes. A 20% restocking fee applies to orders returned by customs, or a flat $50 fee for orders under $250.

Cancellation and Returns: Orders can be cancelled before shipping. Returns are accepted for damaged items with photographic proof within 30 days of delivery. We do not accept returns based on taste or for partially used products. For non-delivery, claims must be made within 180 days of dispatch.

Fraud Prevention: We take measures to prevent fraud and will investigate suspicious orders or false claims, which may lead to legal action.

For any issues or inquiries, please contact or